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Nowi helps to delicately take care of senior family members

Nowi helps to delicately take care of senior family members
Nowi helps to delicately take care of senior family members
Notification system
Instantly alerts about emergencies and concerning health changes. Without cameras, microphones, and wearable devices — completely ethical, safe, and unobtrusive.
Notification system
Instantly alerts about emergencies and concerning health changes. Without cameras, microphones, and wearable devices — completely ethical, safe, and unobtrusive.
Notification system
Instantly alerts about emergencies and concerning health changes. Without cameras, microphones, and wearable devices — completely ethical, safe, and unobtrusive.
stays motionless for a long time
got out of bed or didn’t
didn’t return home
there’s smoke or fire in the house
there’s a gas leak in the house
Notifies you if your loved one:
Two kits
for notifying about home emergencies — falls, not returning home, decreased activity, smoke, gas leaks.
for key health indicators control and the prediction of a heart attack or a stroke.

Nowi Safe

Nowi Health

* Monthly subscription cost for notifications for 1-3 recipients, excluding the cost of equipment

Nowi Safe

Be assured that your loved ones are well. If something happens at home, you will receive an instant notification.
No wearables
No need for your Internet
Flexible notification model
No cameras and microphones
no privacy issues
no need to constantly charge
with the ability to connect family members & doctors
the equipment can have its
own SIM card with internet

got out of bed or didn’t
Notifies you if your loved one:
didn’t return home
there’s smoke or fire in the house
there’s a gas leak in the house
stays motionless for a long time
Two kits
* Monthly subscription cost for notifications for 1-3 recipients, excluding the cost of equipment
for key health indicators control and the prediction of a heart attack or a stroke.
Nowi Health
for notifying about home emergencies — falls, not returning home, decreased activity, smoke, gas leaks.
Nowi Safe
Nowi Safe
Be assured that your loved ones are well. If something happens at home, you will receive an instant notification.
No wearables
No need for your Internet
Flexible notification model
No cameras and microphones
no privacy issues
No need to constantly charge
with the ability to connect family members & doctors
The equipment can have its own SIM card with internet
No cameras and microphones
no privacy issues
No wearables
no need to constantly charge
Flexible notification model
with the ability to connect family members & doctors
Two kits
Notifies you if your loved one:
there’s a gas leak in the house
there’s smoke or fire in the house
didn’t return home
got out of bed or didn’t
stays motionless for a long time
for notifying about home emergencies — falls, not returning home, decreased activity, smoke, gas leaks.
Nowi Safe
* Monthly subscription cost for notifications for 1-3 recipients, excluding the cost of equipment
for key health indicators control and the prediction of a heart attack or a stroke.
Nowi Health
Nowi Safe
Be assured that your loved ones are well. If something happens at home, you will receive an instant notification.
No need for your Internet
the equipment can have its
own SIM card with internet
"A month ago, there was a fire in the neighbors apartment, and my mother miraculously got out"
"We call each other every few days, but this isn’t a guarantee that nothing will happen with my mom between our calls"
"People who live independently may be found, at best, a few days after death. I don’t wish it happens with me"
"I'm afraid that my mom may have a stroke, but I won’t know about it. That she’s helpless and isn’t able to call for help"
"My mom’s neighbor across the wall has dementia, and there is gas in the apartment. I’m scared when I think about it"
Will warn if your senior relative:
has the risk of a heart attack
has the risk of a stroke
has a risk of infectious disease
Critical measurement indicators: blood pressure,
pulse, blood sugar, and blood oxygen levels

Nowi Health

Fully protected personal data
Analysis and
prediction of negative health effects
Online wellbeing
& medical recommendations
Instant notifications of serious concerning changes
such as a sudden increase in blood pressure
Helps monitor key health indicators
Reminds to take medication

Online wellbeing
& medical recommendations
Analysis and prediction of negative health effects
Instant notifications of serious concerning changes
Fully protected personal data
Will warn if your senior relative:
has the risk of a stroke
of serious alarming changes such as a sudden increase in blood pressure
has a risk of infectious disease
Critical measurement indicators: blood pressure, pulse, blood sugar, and blood oxygen levels
has the risk of a heart attack
Nowi Health
Helps monitor key health indicators
Reminds to take medication
Will warn if your senior relative:
Critical measurement indicators: blood pressure, pulse, blood sugar, and blood oxygen levels
has a risk of infectious disease
Fully protected personal data
has the risk of a stroke
has the risk of a heart attack
Online wellbeing & medical recommendations
Learn more
Analysis and prediction
of negative health effects
Instant notifications of
serious concerning changes
of serious alarming changes, such as a sudden increase in blood pressure
Nowi Health
Helps monitor key health indicators
Reminds to take medication

“My grandparents rarely complained about their health and could downplay the problems. They talked to us about health issues only when everything was already very bad. ”
"Dad as a man of the old school, never says that something hurts. I notice that something is wrong with him only when I visit him which doesn’t happen often as I live abroad"
"I find out about everything happening with my mom later, even when she calls an ambulance. It is extremely rare for her to tell me that something isn’t right"
"We live far away and messengers and a phone are only tools for communication. When I call mom it’s hard for me to understand just by the voice that something is wrong with her"
Any questions?
And how does NOWI work if several people live in the house? What if there are pets at home? What happens when the electricity goes out? Do I need to update the system? Most likely, the answers are in the FAQ or in the instruction.
Any questions?
And how does NOWI work if several people live in the house? What if there are pets at home? What happens when the electricity goes out? Do I need to update the system? Most likely, the answers are in the FAQ or in the instruction.
Any questions?
And how does NOWI work if several people live in the house? What if there are pets at home? What happens when the electricity goes out? Do I need to update the system? Most likely, the answers are in the FAQ or in the instruction.
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