Instantly alerts about emergencies and concerning health changes. Without cameras, microphones, and wearable devices — completely ethical, safe, and unobtrusive.
Notification system
Instantly alerts about emergencies and concerning health changes. Without cameras, microphones, and wearable devices — completely ethical, safe, and unobtrusive.
Notification system
Instantly alerts about emergencies and concerning health changes. Without cameras, microphones, and wearable devices — completely ethical, safe, and unobtrusive.
Helps monitor key health indicators Reminds to take medication
“My grandparents rarely complained about their health and could downplay the problems. They talked to us about health issues only when everything was already very bad. ”
"Dad as a man of the old school, never says that something hurts. I notice that something is wrong with him only when I visit him which doesn’t happen often as I live abroad"
"I find out about everything happening with my mom later, even when she calls an ambulance. It is extremely rare for her to tell me that something isn’t right"
"We live far away and messengers and a phone are only tools for communication. When I call mom it’s hard for me to understand just by the voice that something is wrong with her"
Any questions?
And how does NOWI work if several people live in the house? What if there are pets at home? What happens when the electricity goes out? Do I need to update the system? Most likely, the answers are in the FAQ or in the instruction.
And how does NOWI work if several people live in the house? What if there are pets at home? What happens when the electricity goes out? Do I need to update the system? Most likely, the answers are in the FAQ or in the instruction.
And how does NOWI work if several people live in the house? What if there are pets at home? What happens when the electricity goes out? Do I need to update the system? Most likely, the answers are in the FAQ or in the instruction.